Map of Lupososhi


Lupososhi is one of the newly created districts in Northern Province of Zambia. It was declared a district in the year 2018 by president Edger Chagwa Lungu.

The district is located in the Northen part of Zambia about 52km Situated west of Luwingu district. It shares boundaries with five (5) districts in Luapula Province namely Chipili, Mansa Kawambwa, Chifunabuli and Samfya and Luwingu and Chilubi districts in Northern Province.

The district has one constituency and consists of eleven (11) wards which are spread across three (3) chiefdoms namely Chungu, Chabula and Katuta. The wards are; Mufili, Katuta, Katilye, Kampemba, Kaela, Mulalashi, Bwalinbe, Ilamba, Ibale, Itandashi and Munshinge.


The district experiences a warm tropical Climate with adequate rainfall above 1058.3mm from November to April. Generally during the month of May to July, it is cold with temperature ranging from 8º-22 º Celsius. From August to October it is usually cool-warm, humid with partial rainfall at times with average temperature ranging from 21ºCelsius to 24º Celsius. The low or modified low temperatures are mainly due to high attitude and the area being a watershed. Streams, lagoons, swamps and the lake modified temperature in the low land. The culture is very ideal for crop growth, livestock and fish farming.


The North part of District is situated on the highland with attitude of 1200m and 1500m above sea level, while the southern part slopes towards the flat land which ranges from 1200m to 900m above sea level especially towards the Bangweulu in the southern part of the region.


The District’s vegetation consists of 90% of savannah woodland on the high land and part of the flat land with scattered thick Miombo Forest with Shrubs and grass mingled or undergrowth of which 10% in Southern part are Swamps and Dambos with scattered trees. The Swamps and Dambo’s are Suitable for Rice and sugar cane cultivation.

The predominant trees found in the district are:

  • Juberradia Gilobiflora (Mpasa)
  • Paranchytegia Spaformis (Muputu)
  • Branchytezia Long Folia (Muombo)
  • Branchytezia Wangermana (Masamba)
  • Branchytezia Floribunda (Musompa)
  • Maraguesia Marcroura (Musenshi)
  • Ucapaca (Musuku)



The district has different types of soils and vary from place to place. Generally, most of the soil found in the district are fertile and rich to support all kinds of crops. Lake Basin soils are found in the lower Bangweulu basin. They are sandy, pale yellow brown, very acidic in humus content but able to retain moisture for a long time. Around the Lagoons and along most Rivers are the Dambos with the soils ranging from alluvial to sands. Most of these areas are good for Sugar Cane and Rice growing.

Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries

Lupososhi is a rural district with a large portion of the population engaged in agriculture. The major crops grown include, maize, beans, cassava, groundnuts, and Finger millet. Cassava, Maize and Beans are the most produced crops in Lupososhi. Other crops produced includes Ground nuts, Rice and Finger millet. With motivation, Chungu area can produce Rice to feed the whole District and even export some to the neighbouring Districts. The district has two farm block namely Chungu and Katuta farm blocks, with seven (7) camps namely; Chungu, Mapulanga, Mufili, Mutondo, Chibaye, Katuta and Nsombo.

Ministry of Livestock and Fishries is a newly established ministry which was formerly a section under the Ministry of Agriculture. Lupososhi district is also known for livestock keeping which include cattle rearing, Goat rearing, fish farming and fingering production. Potetial areas for cattle rearing include Chibaye, Katuta, Nsombo, Mutondo, Chungu and Mufili. Fish farming is done along the shows of Lake Bangweuru with over 65 small scale fish farmers incorparated in a research practice done by the ministry, with only two fingering producers in Chungu and Nsombo areas.



The District is endowed with abundant water form streams, rivers, lagoons, swamps, Dambos and lakes. Most streams are perennial with some major rivers being Lupososhi, Mufili, Mulalashi, Katilye, and Munshinga. Besides these rivers are two (2) Lagoons in the district that can offer tourist attraction. These are in Mutondo area Kabishi and Katilye Lagoons. In addition to the Lagoons is a small portion of about 5000m² of Lake Bangweulu which lies in Lupososhi District. Wetlands also offer an opportunity for Dambo cultivation of various crops such as rice and sugar canes.

Social and Economic

Lupososhi district is quickly becoming an active economic center, with the populace involved in various activities that contribute to district and national economic development at large. Economic activities include;

  • Employment with government departments.
  • Agriculture/Crop Farming.
  • Livestock production.
  • Fish farming
  • Fish trading (Nsombo).

Cross boarder and inter provincial trade have been of positive contribution to the increasing rate of economic activity in the district


The district rainfall pattern relies on one rain gauge located at the departmental offices. Cumulative rainfall recorded from January 2009 to December 2009 was 1058.3mm

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